International Clinical Coordinators – 629

Did you know the BOC is working with Clinical Coordinators internationally?

The World Federation of Athletic Training and Therapy or WFATT coordinated this podcast so we can what AT education looked like before COVID19 and how these clinical coordinators are making the transition.

Left to right: Valerie Pelleck, Jeremy Jackson, Luzita Vela, Adam Naylor. Aoife Burke

Who are the International Clinical Coordinators?

Luzita Vela, Ph.D., AT – University of Virginia

Aoife Burke, Ph.D., AT – Dublin City University

Valerie Pelleck – University of Winnipeg

Adam Naylor University of Bolton

What does AT Education normally look like?

At Dublin City University they normally run an injury and rehab clinic for athletes and students. The AT students participate in the clinic as part of their rotations as well as sports team affiliation.

Bolton University in England looks similar to the program run by Aoife Burke in Ireland. They have a clinic for students and athletes and sports rotations.
They use the term Sport Rehabilitation instead of Athletic Trainer.

Valerie Pelleck feels the majority of her programs students were done with their practical portions and have been able to transition to online easy enough. In Canada they go by Athletic Therapist instead of Athletic Trainer.

Luzita Vela at UVA us the clinical coordinator for what most Americans know as a 2-year master's degree.

What are the benefits to transitioning to online learning?

Adam Naylor thinks we have to re-assess efficiency.

the switch has likely helped students focus on their knowledge and understanding as well as the utilization of literature.

We can be more directive in the online learning process

In Ireland, Aoife Burke feels it has increased the availability of health care as their system is not as robust or developed.

Some of the other issued discussed:

How are students being encouraged and enabled to be hands-on?

What have been the chief concerns expressed by your students?

Discuss options are your programs considering to make up for lost contact-hours?

What is your national organization doing to accommodate for certification exams given the anticipated delay in graduation?

How is your institution managing to assess practical competencies if face to face opportunities are no longer available?

Watch the video on Facebook

Contact us

Luzita Velta, Ph.D., AT – University of Virginia

Aoife Burke, Ph.D., AT – Dublin City University

Valerie Pelleck – University of Winnipeg

Adam Naylor University of Bolton

Jeremy JacksonEMAIL ME

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International Clinical Coordinator; clinical coordinators