Crisis Etiquette

Bubba Wilson discusses Crisis Behavior or Crisis Etiquette live from the Memorial Hermann Sports Medicine Update. He has been leading D6 in ATsCare since its inception and has learned a lot over the years.

Crisis Behavior, Bubba Wilson

Discussion topics: 

Did crisis management help you be prepared for being inducted into the SWATA Hall of Fame?

AT Cares drove me there.

CCISM credential:

Certified Critical Incident Stress Management – Level 1 deals with individuals in crisis, the majority of AT Cares population. Level 2 deals with groups in crisis. 

Began Crisis Management training in 2019. 

AT’s managing grief:

Grief comes in at a later time, ATs have to finish the game/event after a critical injury/event.

AT Cares reaches out once notified to ensure assistance is provided where needed

NATA Gather Program Integration:

Young professionals can use NATA’s gather program to find mentors. 

Crisis on campus – what is the best method to find that definite grief to counsel them?

Don’t counsel them. Listen. Refer out. 

Soapbox Warning – What is step 1 in managing the secondary loss of loved ones?

Have affairs in order. Have a will, have life insurance. Have your burial wishes written down. Have the conversation. Have a list of your account usernames and passwords. Know how many death certificates you may need. Legal Zoom is a good resource. Make sure you constantly update your affairs. The primary loss will be exacerbated if we don’t handle our affairs. 

Currently working on a presentation with AT Cares members regarding their experiences with loss and what they’ve learned along the way.

Thanks, Sydney Hayes for creating the Crisis Behavior show notes

Contact Us:

Jeremy Jackson


Dr. Mark Knoblauchmaknobla@Central.UH.EDU

Dr. Layci Harrisonlharris5@Central.UH.EDU



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Crisis Behavior, HOIST

Are You Prepared for a Crisis? – 501

Well are you prepared for a crisis?

James ‘Bubba’ Wilson, LAT, ATC has lots of time on his hands so he has lots of time to think things through.
One of Bubba's passions lately has been crisis preparation and management.  Since he has time and passion he has become well versed in the things needed to prepare and the things needed to after a crisis.

What is the NATA doing to prepare us?

Bubba is the area rep for ATsCare, the NATA initiative to care for ATs in their time of need.
Crisis Preparation; Bubba Wilson
Thanks Bob Marley for continuing to allow us to record and interview the speakers.
Also, Bubba Wilson, Ryan Collins, Mark Knoblauch, Josh Yellen, Eduardo Beltran and everyone else who helps make the recordings possible.

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