Going Fully Digital with EMRs – 620

Hesitant about going Fully Digital with your EMR?

John Ciecko has been hesitant, mostly about what it looks like to go fully digital, so we set up a meeting of the minds.

Going Fully Digital with EMR; DragonFly Max; John Ciecko; Danny Barringer; Chris Dean

Have you been thinking about moving from paperwork to an EMR in your athletic training practice?

If you answered yes, you will want to listen to today’s show.  Both Danny Barringer and Christopher Dean recently switched to EMR’s and today on pod they will highlight the benefits and help you navigate the roadblocks.

Why should AT’s move to this fully digital model?

Ease, portability, security, and accessibility.  As AT’s we are often not seated at our desk during the day.  Moving to an EMR allows us to access information as well as enter information whenever and wherever we need to.

How did you decide which EMR to utilize?

It’s important to research the available EMR’s but before you even get to that point identify what is important to you and your stakeholders in the EMR’s capabilities.  

Danny researched and found that DragonFly Max offered everything he needed as an outreach director at a hospital with multiple schools and sports.

Chris was introduced to NextGen when the orthopedic practice merged with a hospital that already utilized an EMR.  While NextGen didn’t have a lot of what he felt AT’s needed, the IT department was able to customize NextGen to make it more useful for the athletic trainer.

How do you get buy-in or navigate roadblocks with implementing an EMR?

Communicate the why, talk about liability and the lack of protection paper offers and remind them that one HIPPA violation would cover the cost of an EMR. 

What is one thing you both love about the EMR’s you are using?

One thing both Danny and Chris agreed upon is the dictation feature that is found in both DragonFly Max and NextGen.  They both appreciate the ability to dictate a note or eval info no matter where they are.

Can EMR’s assist with the PPE collection?

Absolutely!  In DragonFly Max you can take a photo of the PPE and upload it into each student-athletes profile.  NextGen allows you to internally or externally upload a PDF of the PPE into a student athlete’s file.

What’s one recommendation for AT’s who are wanting to make the switch to EMR’s.

Research all the EMR’s available and find one that has everything you need.  Remember that Standard Of Care is EMR now. EMR’s can help AT’s prove relevance and value.

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Considering an EMR?

DragonflyMax has so much to offer you at a price that you can not beat.

Contact Us

Danny Barringer – Danny.Barringer@surgerypartners.com

Chris Dean – cdean@sportsmedicinefairbanks.com

Jeremy JacksonHost of The Sports Medicine Broadcast

John Ciecko – jciecko@bloomfield.org

Alisha M Penningtonalisha@theatvantage.com

Mike McKenney – m.mckenney@northeastern.edu

Mike Hopper – Mike.Hopper@bishoplynch.org

Clint Sanders – clint@dragonflyathletics.com

These people LOVE Athletic Trainers and help support the podcast:

Frio Hydration – Superior Hydration products.

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HOIST – No matter your reason for dehydration DRINK HOIST

MedBridge Education – Use “TheSMB” to save some money, be entered in a drawing for a second year free, and support the podcast.

Marc Pro – Use “THESMB” to recover better.

Athletic Dry Needling – Save up to $100 when registering through our link.

Frio Hydration – Superior Hydration products.

Donate and get some swag (like Patreon but for the school)

HOIST – No matter your reason for dehydration DRINK HOIST

MedBridge Education – Use “TheSMB” to save some money, be entered in a drawing for a second year free, and support the podcast.

Marc Pro – Use “THESMB” to recover better.

Athletic Dry Needling – Save up to $100 when registering through our link.

Dragonfly; Fully Digital; EMR; EHR; Danny barringer; John Ciecko; Chris Dean

Hand Injury Orthotics Interview – 147

We are broadcasting live and interviewing the speakers of the Memorial Hermann's Sports Medicine Update.  Some of the recordings pick up noise, but this is a live event.

The lecture should be released first, followed by the interview.  Through the course of the summer the podcasts will be shorter, more frequent, and a lot more raw (less editing).

All the lectures and handouts have been uploaded and are now available on Google Drive.  Go to www.drive.google.com and sign-in using the following:
            Username:  sportsmedupdate2015@gmail.com
            Password:  sportsmed

Once the school year resumes we will return to our regular format.

Thanks to @rrmarley,  @UofHMAT,   @DYoung_ATC,   FrioHydration.com,  @DozalJazmin, Bill Hale, and several others for their contributions.

Also, be sure you are signed up for the SMB Email List as there will be codes and prizes given out from that list for our partnership with SchoolHealth.com.