Becky and Carson Berry join us to discuss the family life and versus work life of Dr. Jim Berry. Jim has made some huge improvements for ATs in the areas he is working.
What are the costs?
However, everything has a cost and Becky and Carson sometimes felt left out or forgotten when the seasons get real busy or Dad answers his work phone while at home during dinner.
They share some of the story here live from the 2018 NATA expo in New Orleans.
Carson berry shares what it is like being the son of an AT
We used Facebook live, YouTube Live, Instagram Live and even periscope to stream as many of the NATA 2018 Expo Interviews as possible.
YouTube Live videos: The Sports medicine Broadcast
Gretchen is hailed as a guru in Professional Responsibility and ethical practice in Athletic training. She therefore, has joined Dr. Jim berry joins me to discus some of the current issues we are dealing with in Athletic Training relating to Professional Responsibility.
We are broadcasting live from the 2018 NATA expo in New Orleans.
We used Facebook live, YouTube Live, Instagram Live and even periscope to stream as many of the NATA 2018 Expo Interviews as possible.
YouTube Live videos: The Sports medicine Broadcast
Dr. Jim Berry wrote an article back in 1993 about using an old commodore computer to keep track of athlete visits, injuries and costs. He has continued to demonstrate the value of the athletic training staff through the years.
Dr. Kathy Dieringer has presented at national and regional meetings about the need for Athletic Trainers to collect data and use that data to improve the position of athletic trainers across the nation. A small win has a snowball affect and can positively impact any number of Athletic Trainers and the patients they care for.
Dr. Jim Berry is an athletic trainer with experience. He is a certified EMT, has a masters degree and recently a doctorate. He believes in continuing your education to improve your situation and the field of athletic training.
We are broadcasting live from the 2017 NATA expo in Houston Texas.
We used Facebook live to stream as many of the NATA 2017 Expo Interviews as possible.