Minor League Umpires need Athletic Trainers – 331


Mark Stubblefield worked 12 years with Minor League Baseball after earning his Master's Degree.  He is now the medical coordinator for the health care of 230 minor league umpires in 45 different states.

His top skill if you want a job similar to his: Communication and Network.

Low back pain is one of the most common issues they treat but they do a functional movement screen on each umpire at the beginning of the year to focus on preventative medicine.

They also recommend the nutty buddy for important protective equipment

Thanks Greg Evans for getting me in contact with Mark.

Contact Mark

Shawn Ready

YouTube 331

Show Notes 331

Frio Hydration literally has raving fans.  Robbie is willing to do almost anything for his customers.  Give them shot as you consider purchasing hydration equipment

Don't forget your special Sports Medicine Broadcast deals by telling Rob who sent you.

UCL and Overuse – Drs. Cusick and Abassi Interview – 175

We are broadcasting live and interviewing the speakers of the Memorial Hermann's Sports Medicine Update.  Some of the recordings pick up noise, but this is a live event.

We plan to release the lecture and then the interview.  Through the course of the summer the podcasts will be shorter, more frequent, and a lot more raw (less editing).

All the lectures and handouts have been uploaded and are now available on Google Drive.  
Go to www.drive.google.com and sign-in using the following:

Username:  sportsmedupdate2015@gmail.com
Password:  sportsmed

Once the school year resumes we will return to our regular format.

Thanks to @rrmarley   @UofHMAT   @DYoung_ATC   FrioHydration.com  @DozalJazmin Bill Hale, Ryan Collins and several others for the contributions.

Also be sure you are signed up for the SMB Email List as there will be codes and prizes given out from that list for our partnership with SchoolHealth.com