Sports Medicine Course Best Practices – 323

If you teach Sports Medicine in the secondary setting then you likely have been with curriculum support.  In a way that is great and allows you to make or create anything you want.  But on the same hand you must either create everything or beg borrow and steal it from somewhere else.

Here are a few people I know teach some good lessons in Sports Medicine, so take what you want and use as best you can in your situation.

Kembra Mathis
Jesse Lopez
Amanda Hawkes
Matt Babisak
Mike Hopper
Jessica Pfannstiel
Erin Vincent

We also spoke with Kirsten Farrell at Venice High school who leads an award winning sports medicine team.

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Venice High Sports Medicine -320

Kirsten Farrell leads an awesome group of future sports medicine professionals at Venice High School.

They attend The Washington State Conference

CPR pro Certified

Receive multiple grants

Send a majority of the students into the medical field

Show Notes 320


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