Sudden Cardiac Arrest A Story of Survival – 334
Phot Credit:

Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

Who plans for their heart to stop working?

Who plans for a high school athlete's heart to stop?

John Mayes was able to use an AED to help save the life of a young athlete.  Here he tells the story of what happened and how he processed the whole event.

John has experienced death multiple times as an Athletic Trainer, so feel free to reach out to him with questions and concerns or to ask him to pray with you.

Email John

Show Notes 334

You Tube 334

School Health Gift Card

Catastrophic Death and injury re-visited: an Action Plan – 190

In episode 135 – Tragedy, Death, Grief, Healing we were fresh off the loss of an athlete in which we performed life-saving skills.  We desire for each school to have an action plan in place to help the Athletic Trainers and coaches deal with the loss for the next 6 months, not just the next week.

Here is our action plan for you to submit to your district and have on file or in place before a catastrophic injury occurs.

Action Plan

Show Notes 190

Contact Bubba:
Twitter @ATCLATBubba

Dr. Josh Yellen

Tragedy, Death, Grief & Healing – 135

CPR is a skill you never hope to use, NEVER.  Dealing with the loss of an athlete after performing CPR and using an AED is not supposed to happen.  It did, and I share my story and the grief process.  This podcast is recorded early in the stages of grieving.

#1 tip if you know someone dealing with grief and loss:
Text or email them “I was just thinking about you, wondering how you are doing.  If you find you need something let me know”

This gives them a chance to easily avoid talking if they do not want to talk at that time or to you but allows them to know they are not alone.

#2 Tip do it again once a week for the next few weeks.

People process things differently.