Dichotomy of Leadership in AT – 486

Are you too extreme?

There is always a balance or dichotomy of leadership.  You can be too aggressive or not aggressive enough.

In Leadership you can be a micro-manager or not hands on enough.

You can be disciplined and follow all the rules, but not have room for flexibility or changes.

A leader must also be a follower.

Each point they discuss more in the book.

John and I cover what we are learning and applying so far through this month of leadership in AT series.

Dichotomy of leadership, leadership, dichotomy, leadership dichotomy
John had his book signed at Roll Call

In their second book Dichotomy of Leadership Jocko and Leif discuss how they have to constantly find balance and come back and clarify some points from Extreme Ownership.

Want to listen to the whole series?

Extreme Ownership

Director of Sports Medicine Kurt Andrews

Goal Setting in Athletic Training with Brandy Currie

Athletic Director Ross Cooper

Manger of Athletic Training with Christina Eyers

Leading Into Retirement with Larry Cooper

Dichotomy of Leadership

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Share your thoughts

We have heard from several people already about their leadership style, experiences, lessons and how the podcasts are impacting them.

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Extreme Ownership in AT – 466

Extreme Ownership means no more excuses.

Extreme Ownership means you take ownership and responsibility for all actions and circumstances surrounding you.

Extreme Ownership; ExtremeOwnership; Leadership in AT; Leadership

In the book Extreme Ownership, Jocko Willinik and Leif Babin share really hard hitting principles about being a leader.

The leadership principles are the same ones that make Navy SEALs so effective and have helped mega corporations find repeatable success.

John Ciecko III takes over the podcast for the series on leadership.

We have read the book and summarized how this applies to our lives both personally and professionally.

One story from Jeremy

Our new principal did not seem to appreciate me or the work we were doing to keep athletes safe.  He did not come by and talk to us.  He asked who questions every time I tried to do something extra.

Therefore he did not like me or support or program.

Actually he did not know me, my reputation, role or reason.  He wanted to have all the answers before allowing his students to go on a field trip.

He needed more information that I failed to communicate to him.

In this podcast i tell a story of how i know he supports me and my program now because we have built the relationship and i provided needed information upfront and fill in gaps when needed.

Wrapping up the series

We also review the leadership series with the second book Dichotomy of Leadership

Our hope is that YOU will join us on this journey of extreme ownership and begin to lead your environment.

What do you think?

Share this podcast with others or just tell John what you think:

John Ciecko 3 on Twitter

Tag me also @MrJeremyJackson

Podcast Sponsors:

Hoist logo; rapid hydration