Have I Succeeded Part 2 featuring Dr. Knoblauch and Dr. Yellen – 85

As a Sports Medicine Teacher I desire to teach the students how to do my job.  I also desire to expose them to different areas of Sports Medicine and teach life skills.  Sports Medicine 1 is an introduction course so we have to save some for year 2.  I want to know from the kids if I have given them a foundation to build upon.

#TheSMB   #SportsMedicineCourse   #endofschoolyear   #LifeSkills

Masters of Athletic Training at U of H

Show Notes

Have I Succeed as a Teacher – 84

As a Sports Medicine teacher I desire to teach the students how to do my job.  I also desire to expose them to different areas of Sports Medicine and teach life skills.  Sports Medicine 1 is an introduction course so we have to save some for year 2.  I want to know from the kids if I have given them a foundation to build upon.

Joined by Dr. Mark Knoblauch and Dr. Josh Yellen

Masters of Athletic Training at the University of Houston

Show Notes

Give ’em the SportsFinger with Jesse Rhinier – 61

Jesse Rhinier invented the PowerSplint's Sports Finger out of personal need.  Realizing he had a product that many people could benefit from he used his real estate skills to develop and market the SportsFinger. Towards the end of our discussion he tells listeners how they can receive a free sample to test with their athletes.



Kinect with Rehab – 51

Episode 51 Kinect with Rehab

At their previous places of employment both Bubba Wilson and Cat Lawrence had an Xbox Kinect.  Ours has been open for about 2 weeks and have not used it for athletes yet.  They have most of the knowledge and insight, I am just the pretty face on this one.

I would recommend viewing the YouTube or Ustream video of this episode to watch the conversation.

People Management with Luke Willbanks – 44

44 People Management with Luke Willbanks

Chik-fil-a is an efficient and well run business. About half of their employees are high school or college age people. Listen in to learn how you can improve your athletic training program and get the best out of your people. – Captured Live on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/sports-medicine-broadcast

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