Team of Teams with Kelly Salter – 471

What are the rules for leadership?

Kelly Salter (previous podcast with Kelly) and John Ciecko have read the book: Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World

Team of Teams; John Ciecko; Kelly Salter; Stanley McChrystal

In this episode of Leadership in Athletic Training John and Kelly discuss the book and how it applies to Athletic Training.

Some of the comments during the show:

  • Things change and if we are not willing to adapt we dig our heels in and get left behind.
  • We are not lazier or less intelligent from our parents, but what worked for them will not necessarily work for us
  • We have to constantly adapt – for example Taping and ankle.  Communication needs to be adapted almost with each individual
  • Ask for help from a colleague, mentor, or social media circles when you have a tough case or someone is not responding.
  • You can not win every battle and you need to know when to sit down and listen.

They cover several other practical ways it applies in their practice and changes they have made from taking ownership of the responsibility to lead.

Want to read Team of Teams?

Team of Teams

Click through my affiliate link to buy a copy off Amazon.

Want More?

The following are the interviews in the Leadership in Athletic Training Series.

Extreme Ownership

Director of Sports Medicine Kurt Andrews

Goal Setting in Athletic Training with Brandy Currie

Athletic Director Ross Cooper

Manger of Athletic Training with Christina Eyers

Leading Into Retirement with Larry Cooper

Dichotomy of Leadership


I would love your feedback

Tweet John: @JohnCiecko

Message Kelly: @kellysaltsgc1

Complain to me: @MrJeremyJackson