Eccentric vs Tempo

Eccentric contractions have long been known to improve muscle hypertrophy. Ryan Collins joins Clayton Berrang to discuss Eccentrics vs Tempo training and how to implement both.

Eccentric vs tempo

Where in the timeline are the athletes?

Once they can move without bracing

Strength Deficit Eccentric training benefits

Supermaximal load and trying to move that through the eccentric motion

A load that can not move through the concentric movement

How would you recommend emphasizing eccentric training?

Tempo training is a safe place to start but it affects the muscle adaptations

Most ATs and PTs are probably already doing this.

EX: single leg squat – box progression – 

Reverse engineer sprinting

Brakes are going to be important to anything we move

But eccentric training offers so much more than just the brakes

Triphasic training

When do you transition from eccentric training?

Time of year and sports demands

Talk about the cycles for football

Summer is great for super maximal loads for the experienced lifters

Beginners lifted should be doing triphasic

The full stretch-shortening cycle would be in season

Tempo training is one of the easiest forms of progression for an athlete's body

Most adaptations from the eccentric load

Increased reps give some adaptations

Tempo is the lowest ROI

Box squats example

Tempo training and progress through the tempo training

4×5 with a 3 sec – 4-5 and up to 8-second tempo

Now we use slightly heavier weight with about a 2-second tempo

5 – 7 – 10 – 12 reps progression

Progress through load

4×5 and increase the load over the next 4 weeks

How do we set up a supermaximal eccentric?

Rack setup with safety catches and partners or team lift it back up

We are looking at 5/10% above our maximal level

We can do 5 sets of 1

Is there a tempo in this eccentric?

Move it as slowly as possible

The nordic hamstring curl is an example

“What works works”

If you move slowly you will move slow, move fast to move fast”

Late RTP 6 months out ACL?

Overload plays in

Their body is avoiding positions needed for power due to injury.

Post activation potentiation

Bands are a great tool

Apply them in multiple planes of motion.

You can pull them into an overloaded position

Forward-backward lunge with the band

Clayton Berrang – Email

Contact Us:

Jeremy Jackson


Dr. Mark Knoblauchmaknobla@Central.UH.EDU

Dr. Layci Harrisonlharris5@Central.UH.EDU



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