Eye Injuries in Sports

Up to 90% of eye injuries in sports can be prevented with proper eyewear. Dr. Alireza Somji, OD joins me, Jeremy Jackson to discuss some of what he sees and how we can help prevent eye injuries.

Eye Injuries

International sports vision association – eye safety awareness program

WileyX are ballistic rated


Protect prevent play

Over half of the brain is dedicated to visual processing.

But we almost never train the visual performance

Alexander Arnold from the redbull documentary

Steph Curry, Matt Ryan.

First step should be getting a full eye evaluation.

Make sure they have an examination and not a screening.

Contact Us:

Jeremy Jackson

Shawn Readyshawnreadyatc@gmail.com

Dr. Mark Knoblauchmaknobla@Central.UH.EDU

Dr. Layci Harrisonlharris5@Central.UH.EDU

Bob MarleyBob.Marley@uth.tmc.edu


Joseph Eberhardteberhardtj@pearlandisd.org

Christina Fry – fryc@pearlandisd.org

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