Work Right Northwest – Jody Moore

Work Right Northwest was the best fit for Jody during his current stage of life. He loves the industrial setting and the support the company offers for personal growth.

Jody, Start with your AT story.

From Waco

Was not enjoying playing football and quit to become the student AT for softball.

Chris Hargrove was the AT that me under his wing

Graduated from Baylor as an AT working with some legendary ATs like Mike Simms

Jody moved to Lincoln Nebraska to get a master’s degree and work with their Track & Field teams.

2007-2009 did a fellowship with US Olympic and Paralympic Track and Field.

That led to internships with USA teams.

He has worked with a lot of providers throughout the US and learned different perspectives as well as made a lot of connections.

13-year Outreach Coordinator at BSW

2012 I began the GA partnership with Baylor and grew the program to about 16 schools.

How does WorkRight fit into that?

Auto industry, shipping and delivery, food, manufacturing, and warehouses across the United States.

We focus on being proactive with industrial athletes.

These workers are at the same station doing the same repetitive motions for 8-10 hours per day.

We are limited to OSHA first aid guidelines.

There are plenty of at-home exercise options or opportunities.

Better posture.

Improved hydration.

Early symptom intervention – 15-minute eval on site.

Tell me a few stories

Often times the job is the first time the workers have benefits that include healthcare.

We provide a list of healthcare coverage professionals in the area and establish relationships with them to help facilitate care.

One line worker was having continued upper trap and cervical issues.  After a few visits, he was able to work pain-free.

One of our ladies had posture issues and we were basically the only medical option for her. 

I have thought about how I could change into the industrial setting.  Walk me through the process.

We work 4/10s with someone on duty 24/7 

Mon-Friday. *dependent on site*

We do a lot of 3-day weekends.

Vacation time: can accrue up to 2 weeks of vacation time

Holidays: get a lot of major holidays off…but this is site-dependent too.

Manual therapy skills are important.

Taping and first aid skills are important.

Start learning the lingo.

Visit and take the entry-level course.

How do you build connections with clients at Work Right NW?


Seeing them at their job

What do I need to consider before making the move?

Making that big of a change will come with some hiccups.

Research the company

Know the details

Know their injury software

Learn the lingo

OSHA first aid principles

  • One of my biggest deciding factors was their personal growth support.


Contact Us:

Jody Moore –

C: 254-715-1727

Jeremy Jackson

These people LOVE Athletic Trainers and help support the podcast:

Frio Hydration – Superior Hydration products.

Donate and get some swag (like Patreon but for the school)

HOIST – No matter your reason for dehydration DRINK HOIST

MedBridge Education – Use “TheSMB” to save some, be entered in a drawing for a second year free, and support the podcast.

Marc Pro – Use “THESMB” to recover better.

Amy Metiva, snocross, HOIST