Don’t Be THAT Preceptor

Don't be that preceptor who is just trying to get CEUs or the one who only uses MAT students as grunt labor.

Don't Be That Preceptor

Being a Mentor is a choice.  A choice to give of yourself for the good of others.  So is adoption.  DJ tell me some of your adoption story.

Taylor has been such a fantastic part of our life.  She is a part of my life as an Athletic Trainer and my life as a preceptor and mentor.

Worst preceptor story you have heard?

Worst mistake I made as a preceptor was right out of Grad School.

  • My responsibility is to the team and athletes, not the students.
  • I did not want to invest in the students
  • I did not want to give up control
  • I only allowed them to set up the field
  • It is finally my time to be the Licensed Health Care Provider and make decisions
  • It is about me now

Communicate the roles and expectations

Some other bad examples?

I am not getting any feedback

I am doing what they ask but I am not getting any feedback

How to avoid being average as a preceptor:

Do not complain about students on social media

What are some of the struggles for preceptors?


Set expectations

  • Have an orientation
  • What can the program cover before the kids get to you
  • What do you need to cover

Dress code

Look at this as a semester-long interview process.

For scheduling purposes

  • We try to keep a really structured process
  • Immersion should be a minimum 40 hours per week
  • 85 hours /2 weeks
  • 1 day off every 7
  • And at least 8 hours between shifts

Shout out to my administrators and my co-worker for giving us the opportunity to be preceptors for U of H MAT.

JP: I felt like my hands were being held the whole time… I was either setting up the field or observing.

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Jeremy Jackson

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