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Post Exercise Recovery Nutrition is one of the topics Brett Singer addresses with high school, college, and professional sports in Houston as part of the Ironman Sports Medicine team.

Doubling carb intake prior to an event
Cliff Bar and Gatorade
Gatorade and a banana
Applesauce and Gatorade
Gummy bears or Fruit snack
Choose any two of them and that should get you to the right amount.
Is there a chart for glycemic reference?
Brett uses the USOC recovery chart
Glycemic Index Chart by National Library of Medicine
Post-exercise nutrition can minimize the NEED after for a recovery drink
Milk is more effective at rehydration than just water.
If you are eating then you probably do not need the recovery drink
Electrolyte drink vs Gatorade
Situations dictate different needs.
The 10-year-old kid will likely need less than an adult
Sodium and Chloride are the most important components of the recovery drinks
Professional soccer players may lose 6-7 pounds during the course of practice
A meal and water with an electrolyte drink between meals.
Youth bodies can handle the heat better?
2% of body weight loss shows visible effects of performance
In general, water should suffice if trying to recover 12 ounces (kid) versus 72 ounces (adult)
What are some dehydration signs to look for in Youth Sports?
Losing abnormal amounts of sweat
Weighing in and out should be done with caution.
High School and Rec athletes – Are there ideal mixes?
There is not one that has all of the needs of an athlete.
Most products are insufficient for high-level athlete carb needs
3 to1 or 4 to 1 ratio is ideal for carbs/protein but needs to look at the big picture.
20-40 grams of protein
High-glycemic foods in recovery are OK
Creatine and Post Exercise Recovery Nutrition
I do not push it for high school athletes but it is safe.
Following the guidelines is important
The benefit is really for the high-level athletes
It also helps with glycogen replenishment
Whey vs casein protein?
It does matter how much protein you take in?
As far as protein synthesis goes 20-40 grams is the general window
Adding glycogen to protein does not improve glycogen uptake
Focus on carbs if there are small windows between competitions or training sessions.