Tyler Triggs – Changing Settings

Tyler Triggs

Where did you start as an AT? 

  • Started at an orthopedic clinic working at a high school right out of college. New school so the first AT they had. I was also the first and only full-time outreach ATC Rockhill had.
  • Loved my school. Very High turnover in management at the clinic

How long were you there?

  • Nearly four years

What was next (tell more of your story)?

  • So this is kind of two parts. Before COVID I started a cash-based rehab services business. Partnered with local gyms. This was my plan to leave and do full-time. Was about to make the jump then COVID hit and the gyms shut down. 
  • This kind of killed my momentum and made me pivot. I tried to go into the online space and still do that some but needed it to be a side gig for now at least. 
  • Things came about with the clinic I was at. Did not feel appreciated or supported anymore and had the opportunity to try Sales.
  • Gave me more “regular” hours. Higher pay potential and higher pay to start. 
  • Dynasplint for 6 months. I ended up working more hours. Being bored with the work and just did not like my situation. 

Where are you now?

  • This led me back to “traditional” – I am with a children's hospital here in Kansas City as the ATC of a Class 5 high school. It is the district I live in, and my wife teaches at the school. Just started at this school after being at another one before internally transferring when this came open. 

Is this where you plan to stay?

  • The answer is maybe. I don’t want to leave for another school or hospital system. CMH treats me well and the school situation is about as ideal as they come. 
  • But we just had a baby 6 weeks ago. And I can see my priorities already shifting and wanting to be home more. I know I won’t be willing to miss his sporting events and other activities. 
  • Other options I am keeping an eye on: Industrial, Military, Healthcare Admin/Leadership, Self-Employed 

What pushed you to change settings?

  • Feeling underappreciated 
  • Lack of work-life balance 
  • Pay 
  • Advancement opportunities 

Tyler, what held you back from moving on?

  • Fear of failure 
  • Lack of opportunity at first 
  • Not want to leave my athletes 
  • Really enjoyed the school I worked with

A favorite resource for someone looking to change settings?

  • Fellow ATCs!!
  • Speak to others in the setting you are thinking about or who are with the company you want to apply for. 
  • Former employees at those places can also be very helpful 

Call to action:

  • Do your homework before jumping into just any opportunity
  • Now is a great time to advocate for your worth in many ways 
  • If you want to stay in traditional settings, don't feel bad about it. Maybe your current position is just not that great of a fit but another could be. And if you want to try something else don’t let fear hold you back.

Changing Settings Series

Joel Luedke

Tyler Triggs

Tanya Watson

Daniel Ruedeman

Kevin Joyce

Bill Coburn

Jason Robey

Meghan Allcorn

Contact Us

Jeremy Jackson

John Ciecko

Tyler Triggs – tyler.triggs@gmail.com

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