Communicate the Science

As a collegiate coach, Dr. Kimberly Stein had to communicate the science of recovery and nutrition to her teams.

Being a pioneer in the NFL Kevin Luhrs had to communicate the science behind the small changes to improve player performance.

Communicate the Science promotional image

What does effective communication mean to you/look like to you?


  • We think it is cool and give them the details but they do not really care
  • Keep it simple
  • Meet them where they are


  • transfer of knowledge
  • Find where they are and stay one step ahead of them

What barriers have you run into while trying to share science?


  • I started in 2010
  • I think the number of Sports dieticians has doubled in college athletics
  • Appeal to the why – Why are you tired on the field, why are you sluggish? Keep monitoring them.


  • You have to sell it as another training aide
  • Potential injury prevention

What are the best steps to introduce science into a conversation effectively?


  • Plant the seed
  • Ask questions
  • I had the opportunity to communicate the science in front of the whole team
  • I had a lot of consultations in the whole way or in the At Facility


  • Meeting them for the first time is not the best time
  • What do you think about nutrition and performance?
  • What do you think you need to perform?
  • “Let’s try just a little bit of energy” not well the RDs recommend 20 ML of fluid every 20 minutes of heavy activity.

How can you get a team of professional athletes to take interest in the science behind sport?


  • Where do I start?
  • Fried catfish Fridays
  • Implement it into practice as you educate them
  • Small changes


  • Older athletes kinda lead the way for me…they wanted to extend their career.
  • Nowadays we see athletes that are asking questions as soon as they get the contract.

How do you adjust your communication methods between a practitioner audience or a professional athlete audience?


  • Practitioners get more of the science
  • They want to see the charts and graphs and data
  • But you are still not talking to other scientists so do not go overboard.
  • Use visuals often.
  • Professional athletes 
    • Let them ask questions and get a feel for what they want
    • Use examples of places and people it has worked with
  • Coaches
    • They have to be the key in implementing it.
    • Allowing water breaks
    • Allowing practice to start later so the team has time to eat.
    • But they also need to internalize this personally


  • Educate them so they can communicate the message when needed
  • Being on the same page as a staff is probably the biggest key to success..coaches, admin, everyone

How can someone communicate why their recommendations are effective for reasons beyond the science?


– We definitely have to convince people or sell it at times

– Like Dr. Stein said, science is not black an white, it is evolving


  • Yes!!!
  • Understand the science of behavior change
  • You are not really changing the diet but changing their behavior
  • Tiny Changes

How can a practitioner determine whether information is best communicated visually through graphics or data, or through straightforward text?


  • Pee Color chart
  • Having a picture of carbohydrates…giving examples
    • Do this instead of a list


  • Weigh in charts for hydration
  • Traffic light training system
    • Go
    • Slow
    • Whoa

What are your recommendations for sharing/communicating the science via social media? What are some effective posts/sources that you’ve seen recently? 


  • We are a headline driven it is hard to communicate the science accurately
  • Who know how valid the “reports” are
  • Get with the team captains and see if they can share the good stuff on their personal info


  • Point towards some that are doing the right thing.

What are some scientific resources you would recommend for someone who is trying to expand their sports performance research knowledge?

KS: – – hands down

KL: Sports Science Exchange or Gatorade performance partner website

Contact Us:

Dr. Kimberly Stein -@KimWhiteStein

Kevin Luhrs –

Jeremy JacksonMrJeremyJackson

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