HIPAA and FERPA for ATs – 428

Jeff Hopp, Athletic Trainer at Marietta High School in Marietta Georgia, Is Vice President of SEATA and well versed in the rules and practical application of both HIPAA and FERPA.

If I was to sum up all the answers into one sentence I would say be non-specific with information, there is a lot of grey area and overlap with the two.

FERPA basically deals with the records a school collects on the students.

HIPAA is meant to protect privacy and allow communication between healthcare professionals who share care for a common patient.


If you are billing for services you are most likely falling under HIPPA


Not everyone in the school needs to know about the medical condition.  Only the ones directly responsible for or who have a vested interest in the healthcare of the athlete should be in the loop.

There are lots more and Jeff is willing to help you work through your questions

Links Jeff wanted to share:

Here is some good FERPA info:

Good HIPAA info:

A good article about HIPAA/FERPA  for AT’s:

A good article that talks about pictures and social media posts:

Contact Jeff Hopp


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