Sports Performance – Daniel Bellamy

Director of Sports Performance at Howard University, Daniel Bellamy brings his skills, family, and his voice to Texas in his new role at UTSA.

Where did it start?

During my NFL internship, I learned to incorporate a lot of sports performance into rehab.

At the high school


PT clinic

Arena Football head AT

Track and field coach

I wanted to spend more time with my patients

So I took an assistant job at Howard University

At the university, I became very curious about the injury risk reduction side of AT.

  • I took it upon myself to develop warmup routines
  • I was able to implement recovery routines

Masters – injury prevention and performance management.

First task as the director of Sports Performance

Hiring a strength and conditioning coach that would work for an FBS coach

  • The process was brutal but the outcome was something great

The best ability is availability – they need to be functional and healthy before they can work on performance

Four Pillars

Patient care

Athletic Performance

Data and research


Key elements






Overlap and interdependence in Sports Performance

  • Athlete Monitoring
  • Injury Prevention
  • Injury surveillance
  • Nutrition initiatives

Each team member needs to understand the goal and how we can work together.  

What is the benefit to each member?

Wellness surveys can help coordinate care as well.

Shared information and language in Sports Performance

  • Continuing Ed
    • Include all relevant team members in the process
    • This gives us shared learning and coaching cues.

Progression / regression charts

  • Highlights key movements
  • How can we reintegrate the athlete optimally
  • What are the most complex version of the movement and what is the most basic “entry fee” into that movement

Shared Projects and initiatives in Sports Performance

  • Collaboration to integrate new technologies
  • Kinesiology collects and analyses data to use for publications


Bottom Line

  • We are in the people business
  • Trust is Key
  • Ask questions without questioning
  • Allow people to take the lead

Strength and conditioning’s goal should always be to ensure safety during the workouts.

Compliance comes from understanding and is the biggest key for the athletes completing the RPE and RTT surveys


Ted Sperlak, NSCA Talk on Sports Performance Model​

Article to Read on Recovery Periodization: Mujika et al., (2018). An integrated multifactorial approach to periodization for optimal performance in individual and team sports.pdf

Article to Read on Periodization and Rehabilitation: Periodization and PT.pdf

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Daniel –

Victoria –

Jeremy –

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