Concussion Technology – Summer Ott

Concussion technology has come a long way in helping us understand and manage concussions. Dr. Summer Ott discusses some of the options available and who they best fit.

Concussion Technology, Summer Ott, Sandra Harris, Jeremy Jackson

What is a digital assessment?

  • Started in the ’90s,
  • Professional teams
  • Not meant to replace traditional assessments
  • A combination of tests is still being used


  • Efficient
  • Easy access and use of mobile devices
  • Allow tracking
  • Remote testing


  • What/which app  is reliable
  • Who is using/trained to use
  • Environment

Considerations when deciding on a digital tool

  • Budget
  • Feasibility
  • Is it comprehensive

Age range Considerations

Comparison / Contrast different tests available

  • Example: Impact, Axon, ANAM
    • 20 min to complete
    • Test Cognitive Skills and symptom
  • Ex. C3 Logic, Sway, King Devick
    • Used with Handheld devices
    • Quicker to complete 10-15 min
    • Offer Alternative stimuli
  • Important to look at “What is the cost?”
  • Does the cost correlate to the effectiveness

What tools and how many are practitioners using in assessing Concussions

How do you pick a digital tool? / What is the right choice?

What is VOMS?

Looking at: eye movements, eye tracking, convergence, and rating symptoms while performing assessments

Symptom Checklist-

Can be broken down into clusters: Physical, Emotional, Sleep, Cognitive,

Case Management example:

Natasha Law

  • The Law and UIL sports vs Club sports on concussion

Considerations for Special populations (504, at-risk)

  • The Law and Academic Accommodations/Recommendations
  • Reach out to @ATC_mojo for PDF of Academic Recommendations

Contact Us

Jeremy JacksonMrJeremyJackson on Twitter, SportsMedicineBroadcast on IG, FB

ATCorner Podcast

Ryan Collins

Joseph Eberhardt

Christina Fry

Bob Marley

These people LOVE Athletic Trainers and help support the podcast:

Frio Hydration – Superior Hydration products.

Donate and get some swag (like Patreon but for the school)

HOIST – No matter your reason for dehydration DRINK HOIST

MedBridge Education – Use “TheSMB” to save some money, be entered in a drawing for a second year free, and support the podcast.

Marc Pro – Use “THESMB” to recover better.

Athletic Dry Needling – Save up to $100 when registering through our link.

Concussion Technology

Imbalance and Disequilibrium – 532

Did you know your concussion may just be an imbalance…

Dr. Mark Knoblauch shares some personal and professional experience in dealing with / treating these concussion like symptoms.

So it is not a concussion?

Here is the scenario:

  • Athlete hit in the head,
  • Has balance problems
  • No trouble with memory
  • Head only hurts at the spot of impact

Is this athlete going to be put under Concussion RTP?

So what are we looking at then?

Dr. Mark Knoblauch joins us to discuss vestibular injuries….which might not actually be concussions.

Email Dr. Knoblauch to receive his free gift –

Some of the topics Mark covers include:

  • Why do you have an interest in vestibular disorders?
  • Tell me about your own personal history with
  • Explain how the vestibular system works?
  • What are some of the signs and symptoms of the more common vestibular disorders?
  • What is the prevalence of some of these disorders?
  • If these disorders are prevalent, as you say, why do you think that there is very little attention in education about them?
  • What are some of the disorders or conditions that can result from the vestibular system?
  • What treatments are available
  • How do some of the vestibular disorders differ from concussions,
  • How can athletic trainers differentiate the two types of conditions?
  • What kind of education do we need specific to teaching our profession and students more about vestibular disorders?

These people LOVE Athletic Trainers and help support the podcast:

Frio Hydration – Superior Hydration products.

Donate and get some swag (like Patreon but for the school)

HOIST – No matter your reason for dehydration DRINK HOIST

MedBridge Education – Use “TheSMB” to save some money, be entered in a drawing for a second year free, and support the podcast.

Marc Pro – Use “THESMB” to recover better.

Athletic Dry Needling – Save up to $100 when registering through our link.

Frio Hydration – Superior Hydration products.

Donate and get some swag (like Patreon but for the school)

HOIST – No matter your reason for dehydration DRINK HOIST

MedBridge Education – Use “TheSMB” to save some money, be entered in a drawing for a second year free, and support the podcast.

Marc Pro – Use “THESMB” to recover better.

Athletic Dry Needling – Save up to $100 when registering through our link.

Contact Us

Jeremy Jackson

Dr. Mark Knoblauch

Jeremy Jackson

JOhn Harmon; Candice Teunis; Wrist and Thumb; Frio Hydration; NATA; Imbalance, Disequilibrium

RTP Rehab with Chris Shields – 517

RTP Rehab is ever changing

Christopher Shields, PT, DPT works with Dr. Summer Ott to help student athletes return to learn and RTP Rehab.
We are making constant advances in concussion management over the years, therefore Chris Shields tries to keep us up to date. 
Chris Shields; RTPRehab; RTP rehab

Need to see the slides?

Search through theGoogle Drive folder containing slides from Memorial Hermann Sports Medicine Update. 

Couldn't do it with out the following people:

Thanks to Bob Marley for continuing to allow us to record and interview the speakers.
Also a huge thanks to Bubba Wilson, Ryan Collins, Josh Yellen, Eduardo Beltran, Mark Knoblauch and everyone else who helped make the recordings possible.

Thirsty?  Need hydration?

Frio Hydration provides Superior Hydration products and is the official hydration provider of the Sports Medicine Broadcast
Tell them the Sports Medicine Broadcast sent you and receive some special deals on custom graphics or a solar panel.

Need more CEUs

Try: The ATVantage Podcast for free or my affiliate link with MedBridge to save a bunch

Something you like, dislike or want to see more of? 

I want to hear from You

Return to Learn with Sarah Gill – 505

What about the classroom?

Concussions affect everything you do.  Sarah Gill is the Athletic Trainer who serves the concussed athletes in the Dallas Fort Worth area with one of the hospital systems.

Return to Learn is more important than the return to play portion of concussion management.

She serves also serves the North Texas Athletic Trainers Society.

Sarah Gill; return to learn; concussion; davis mountain

Where are we?

At the Davis Mountain Sports Medicine clinic Bubba and I recorded some sessions, dealt with crazy weather, caught some interviews and had one heck of a long drive.

Need CEUs

I would love to meet you at one of the conferences I podcast from.  I personally feel Live CEUs are more beneficial…since you might get to see ME!!!!

If your schedule, budget or learning style is more of an online classroom thing then…

Time your purchase right and you could get 2 reporting periods done for about $200.

Medbridge; CEUs Online CEUs; affiliate link

Click on the image above or use the code “TheSMB” at checkout

Contact Sarah Gill:

Tweet Sarah Gill 

Or you can tweet Me: @MrJeremyJackson

Managing the Student-Athlete with Repetitive Concussions – 413

Summer Ott, PsyD

Dr. Summer Ott is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). She also serves as the Director of the Concussion Program at Memorial Hermann Ironman Sports Medicine Institute.

Dr. Ott is a Neuropsychologist specializing in sports related concussions. She has extensive clinical and research experience with sports related concussions. She currently serves as the team neuropsychological consultant for the Houston Texans and Houston Rockets, as well as many universities and school districts in Texas.  Previously, Dr. Ott served as a neuropsychology consultant for the Houston Dynamo and the Houston Aeros.
Follow up interview

Thanks to Bob Marley for continuing to allow us to record and interview the speakers.
Shawn Ready, Bubba Wilson, Ryan Collins, Josh Yellen, Jazmin Dozal and everyone else who helped make the recordings possible.
Frio Hydration provides Superior Hydration products and is the official hydration provider of the Sports Medicine Broadcast
Tell them the Sports Medicine Broadcast sent you and receive some special deals on custom graphics or a solar panel.
Need more CEUs try: The ATVantage Podcast for free or my affiliate link with MedBridge to save a bunch

Concussion Protocol and mTBI Research – 126

Dr. Jacob Resch is doing some pioneering research focusing on balance issues and concussions.  One of their test sites is DeSoto High School where the Sports Medicine team, lead by David Young,  is leading the way in the secondary setting with concussion research studies and protocol management.

Show notes for Episode 126

Masters of Athletic Training at U of H

@UofHMAT (Conversation with Dr. Rob Renneker on pupilometer device)  (Dr. Resch information)   (North Texas Athletic Training Society) (Concussion Vital Signs Cognitive test)  (footplate system we use)

 Video for 126

Psychological Factors with Concussion Recovery – 92

92 – Psychological Factors Associated With Recovery From Concussion

Summer Ott PsyD

Here is our interview with Dr. Summer Ott.  Since this recording comes from a live conference, some elements are lost due to lack of visual props and some crowd noise can be heard.  The stellar content more than makes up for the difference in sound quality.

Bob Marley allowed us to record and interview the guests of the Memorial Hermann 13th Annual Sports Medicine Update.  In the course of two days we conducted about 24 interviews, streamed live for about 16 hours, and had a lot of help from Dr. Josh Yellen, Dr. Mark Knoblauch, Bill Hale, former student / future Athletic Trainer Jazmin Dozal, and current SAT Sarah Avina.

Masters of Athletic Training at U of H