Make Your Bed

Admiral McRaven's ten simple rules for life start with Make Your Bed and mark that first task off your list.

Chapter One: Start Your Day with a Task Completed 

What does attention to detail say about you as a leader? 

John: The little things add up over time. Attention to detail means you have attention to the goal. 

Chapter Two: You Can’t Go It Alone 

Why is it important to have a strong network of people who support you? 

John: Family to take risks and ground you. 

Chapter Four: Life’s Not Fair – Drive On! How do you deal with adversity? 

John: Foster an attitude for success, not misery! 

Chapter Seven: Stand Up to the Bullies Choosing the difficult right over the easy wrong.

John: Being a leader means always striving to choose the right over the wrong and being ok with the internal dilemma that is within. 

Chapter Eight: Rise to the Occasion 

What dark times have you gone through in your life? 

Jeremy: Having our first foster placement taken from us at the same time I was worried about losing my job 

Chapter Nine: Give People Hope 

How do you encourage people when things get rough?

John: What leadership styles or theories best suit individual followers? We can’t always be the rah-rah person… 

Texas 2014 Commencement Speech regarding Make Your Bed

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John Ciecko

Jeremy Jackson

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