Funny Concussion Stories with Dr. Burkhart – 516

Want to hear a funny story? Dr. Burkhart has some for you.

Every AT has funny injury stories.  Rob is a walking story.  Dr. Scott Burkhart has tons of stories.  These two together had a great time telling funny concussion stories of patients they have seen.
Concussion Stories; Scott Burkhart; Rob McFarlin
Dr. Scott Burkhart sees about 500 concussion patients per month so he has some stories.
This session is a great listen just for the funny stories.

Do you have some Concussion Stories?

We would love to hear yours so hit me up on social media or email and we will plan to tell your story in a future episode.
We used Facebook live, YouTube Live, Instagram Live and even periscope to stream as many of the NATA 2018 Expo Interviews as possible.
YouTube Live videos: The Sports Medicine Broadcast

Thanks for hosting us the Sports Medicine Broadcast

Thanks Frio Hydration and DragonFly MAX for your hospitality.
Check out Hoist to help maximize performance and use the promo code “TheSMB”

Tell me your stories:

Hit me up on Twitter to let me know your thoughts @MrJeremyJackson

These people LOVE Athletic Trainers and help support the podcast:

Frio Hydration – Superior Hydration products.

Donate and get some swag (like Patreon but for the school)

HOIST – No matter your reason for dehydration DRINK HOIST

MedBridge Education – Use “TheSMB” to save some money, be entered in a drawing for a second year free, and support the podcast.

Marc Pro – Use “THESMB” to recover better.

Athletic Dry Needling – Save up to $100 when registering through our link.

Frio Hydration – Superior Hydration products.

Donate and get some swag (like Patreon but for the school)

HOIST – No matter your reason for dehydration DRINK HOIST

MedBridge Education – Use “TheSMB” to save some money, be entered in a drawing for a second year free, and support the podcast.

Marc Pro – Use “THESMB” to recover better.

Athletic Dry Needling – Save up to $100 when registering through our link.

SSAT: Where are we going? – 512

Where are we going in the SSATC?

Some of us feel left out, some of us feel unsupported.  So where is the NATA's SSATC leading us?
How are THEY supporting us?
When are THEY going to start looking out fur the SSATs?
Those are great questions for Bart and Jason.
SSATC; Bart Peterson; Jason Cates; Secondary Schools Athletic Trainers Committee;
Jason Cates and Bart Peterson provide leadership to the Secondary School Athletic Trainers Committee.  They join us hot off the SSAT learning lab to share their insight and where are headed. These are great ATs who are true advocates for the secondary setting.

How can you get one of these shirts?

Find me at one of the future NATA events and I will have them there.  I have randomly sent some out to people who are very active on social media promoting the Sports Medicine Broadcast.
Or join the email list and you will know where I will be giving them out.

Where did this conversation take place?

We used Facebook live, YouTube Live, Instagram Live and even periscope to stream as many of the NATA 2018 Expo Interviews as possible.
YouTube Live videos: The Sports Medicine Broadcast
Thanks Frio Hydration and DragonFly MAX for your hospitality.

Where can I get a product that helps me hydrate better than Gatorade?

Check out Hoist to help maximize performance

Need more info?

Contact Jason Cates

Hit me up on Twitter to let me know your thoughts @MrJeremyJackson

I have CTE with Joe DeLamiellure – 508

What is CTE?

CTE or Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy is something we can not diagnose in living patients at this time.  We can measure markers or indicators.

Joe D joins the podcast to share his story of living with the markers of CTE.  He shares some of his stories and experiences as he is learning to deal with the disease.

Joe DeLamielleure; Frio Hydrtion; CTE

Who is Joe DeLamiellure?

NFL Hall of Famer
13 season with the Buffalo Bills as an offensive lineman
Blocked for OJ Simpson
185 consecutive games
He also claims to never have missed a practice or game from junior high forward.

I normally give a way to contact the guest, but Joe said he does not even own a computer.

Where are we?

We are broadcasting live from the 2018 NATA expo in New Orleans.
We used Facebook live, YouTube Live, Instagram Live and even periscope to stream as many of the NATA 2018 Expo Interviews as possible.
YouTube Live videos: The Sports Medicine Broadcast

Who brought you these interviews?

Thanks DragonFly MAX for your hospitality.
Check out Hoist Water to help maximize performance

Contact Me

Hit me up on Twitter to let me know your thoughts @MrJeremyJackson

Mobile Sports Medicine Units Update – 503

Mobile Sports Medicine units are becoming more popular and allow an Athletic Trainer to create a home base for Athletic Training care at remote locations.

Keith Shireman; Trailers
Keith talks Mobile Sports Medicine Units

What is in this episode?

Keith runs the Ironman races, I just ran a 5k.  So I quickly ask him about some tips for chaffing and gear for races.  Then we get into the Sports Medicine Trailer update.
He has had lots of questions since our first conversation and would love to help you get a trailer going for your teams.

Where can I find more?

Our first Mobile Sports Medicine Units episode is here:

Where was the interview?

We are broadcasting live from the 2018 NATA expo in New Orleans.
We used Facebook live, YouTube Live, Instagram Live and even periscope to stream as many of the NATA 2018 Expo Interviews as possible.
YouTube Live videos: The Sports medicine Broadcast

Thanks for supporting the Sports Medicine Broadcast

Thanks Frio Hydration and DragonFly MAX for your hospitality.
Check out Hoist Water to help maximize hydration

Connect with me

Hit me up on Twitter to let me know your thoughts @MrJeremyJackson

AT Family Life – Not all good – 500

Becky and Carson Berry join us in New Orleans

Becky and Carson Berry join us to discuss the family life and versus work life of Dr. Jim Berry.  Jim has made some huge improvements for ATs in the areas he is working.

What are the costs?

However, everything has a cost and Becky and Carson sometimes felt left out or forgotten when the seasons get real busy or Dad answers his work phone while at home during dinner.
They share some of the story here live from the 2018 NATA expo in New Orleans.

Jim Berry; Becky Berry; Carson Berry; AT family
Carson berry shares what it is like being the son of an AT

We used Facebook live, YouTube Live, Instagram Live and even periscope to stream as many of the NATA 2018 Expo Interviews as possible.
YouTube Live videos: The Sports medicine Broadcast
Thanks Frio Hydration and DragonFly MAX for your hospitality.
Check out Hoist Water to help maximize performance
Hit me up on Twitter to let me know your thoughts @MrJeremyJackson

Injury Spotter with Jonathan Reidy – 498

How can we do better?  How can we improve the health care we are providing?

When Jonathan Reidy asked this question at his high school he started putting together a plan to mimic the NFL eye in the sky plan to have an injury spotter in the booth that can help identify injuries.

His program is probably similar to most high schools that have a full time athletic trainer.

They also have a team doc that has several medical students committed to being part of the game night treatment and care.

This might not work in all schools, but unless you try it out then you never know.

Podcast Lunge; NATA NOLA; 2018; Jeremy Jackson
We are broadcasting live from the 2018 NATA expo in New Orleans.
We used Facebook live, YouTube Live, Instagram Live and even periscope to stream as many of the NATA 2018 Expo Interviews as possible.
YouTube Live videos: The Sports medicine Broadcast
Thanks Frio Hydration and DragonFly MAX for your hospitality.
Check out Hoist Water to help maximize performance
Hit me up on Twitter to let me know your thoughts @MrJeremyJackson

Creating an LLC with Casey & Rob – 495

LLC; Paulk Sports Med; Frio Hydration; Casey Paul; Rob McFarlin
Creating an LLC as an AT

Are you interested in business?

Casey Paulk comes back to join the show and discuss his newly created LLC in Paulk Sports Medicine.
Robbie McFarlin is owner the CEO and of Frio Hydration LLC.
Business is not one of the athletic trainers are taught in school however, Casey jumped right in and started his company: Paulk Sports Med.
As a result he has some tax benefits and has begun building a business that may one day give him freedom to wok from home.

What is an LLC?

Limited Liability Company provides some benefits of a corporation with the agility of a small business.

Here is an Article on Legal Zoom with some more details

I am setting mine up through Innovate AT

Where are you?

This podcast is being broadcast live from the 2018 NATA expo in New Orleans.
We used Facebook live, YouTube Live, Instagram Live and even periscope to stream as many of the NATA 2018 Expo Interviews as possible.
YouTube Live videos: The Sports medicine Broadcast

The real MVPs are:

Thanks Frio Hydration and DragonFly MAX for your hospitality.
Check out Hoist Hydration to help maximize performance.

Contact us:

Contact Rob McFarlin
Hit me up on Twitter to let me know your thoughts @MrJeremyJackson

Weather Update with Brett McQueen and Colin Perry – 490

NATA NOLA, Pocast Lounge; Dragonfly Max; Brett McQueen; Casey Paulk; Rob McFarlin

Brett McQueen and Colin Perry discuss some of the weather updates in software, hardware, understanding and policy.
Perry Weather presents one of the best weather apps on the market for Athletic Trainers.  It is not just about lightning but ground strikes, temps, humidity, wet bulb and a few other factors.  As a result they have consulted with Athletic Trainers to provide the most pertinent information with room to grow.
We are broadcasting live from the 2018 NATA expo in New Orleans.
We used Facebook live, YouTube Live, Instagram Live and even periscope to stream as many of the NATA 2018 Expo Interviews as possible.
YouTube Live videos: The Sports medicine Broadcast
Thanks Frio Hydration and DragonFly MAX for your hospitality.
Check out Hoist Water to help maximize performance
Hit me up on Twitter to let me know your thoughts @MrJeremyJackson

Raise Your Rank with Dr. Scarneo – 484

Dr. Samantha Scarneo introduces the Raise Your Rank Campaign with the Sports Medicine Broadcast audience.

What is raise Your Rank?

Dr. Scarneo and team are using data from the KSI, ATLAS Project and other sourcesto rank each state's level of sports medicine care and preparation including state level legislation.
Because we ALL need to move towards providing better care as a whole campaigns such as Raise Your Rank help move things forward at various levels.
YouTube Live videos: The Sports medicine Broadcast
Thanks Frio Hydration and DragonFly MAX for your hospitality.
Check out Hoist Water to help maximize performance
Hit me up on Twitter to let me know your thoughts @MrJeremyJackson

ATLAS project Update – 478

Rob Huggins and Larry Cooper discuss the ATLAS project, some of the finding and some of the cool things that are coming from it.
Take the time to update your ATLAS project information.  Help keep all of the records up to date so that we as a whole can continue to move AT forward.
We are broadcasting live from the 2018 NATA expo in New Orleans.
We used Facebook live, YouTube Live, Instagram Live and even periscope to stream as many of the NATA 2018 Expo Interviews as possible.
YouTube Live videos: The Sports medicine Broadcast
Thanks Frio Hydration and DragonFly MAX for your hospitality.
Check out Hoist Water to help maximize performance
Contact Rob Huggins
Contact Larry Cooper
Hit me up on Twitter to let me know your thoughts @MrJeremyJackson